July 20, 2024

Ford Foundation Resolutely Denies Claims of Sponsoring Violent Protests

The Ford Foundation has come forward to emphatically deny accusations levied against it by the Kenyan government, claiming the esteemed philanthropic organization funded 16 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that allegedly fueled violent protests. These allegations have brought the foundation into the spotlight and raised serious questions about the role of foreign donors in local political unrest. Responding to these charges, the Ford Foundation has firmly stated that it does not, and never will, support or sponsor any activities that involve hate speech, violence, or lawlessness.

A Strong Stance on Social Responsibility

In a detailed statement, the Ford Foundation emphasized its longstanding commitment to upholding democratic values and promoting social justice. The foundation reiterated that its funding policies are non-partisan and do not, under any circumstances, align with activities that perpetuate violence or division within community. Additionally, the institution highlighted its crucial objective of fostering equitable societies, which is at the heart of its mission. The response comes on the heels of accusations by Kenyan President William Ruto, who accused foreign elements, including the Ford Foundation, of financially backing recent anti-government protests in Kenya.

Commitment to Peace and Democracy

Operating in Kenya for decades, the Ford Foundation has played a key role in supporting various initiatives aimed at boosting social justice and democratic processes. Through its comprehensive support for civil society organizations, the foundation has consistently worked towards addressing systemic injustices and inequality. It is, therefore, particularly distressing for the Ford Foundation to face allegations that utterly contradict the very principles it stands for. The foundation’s spokesperson unequivocally stated that any form of violence, or advocacy thereof, stands in direct opposition to their core values.

Kenyan Government’s Accusations

President Ruto’s claims have sparked significant controversy and debate. According to him, foreign funding was a catalyst in organizing and mobilizing the recent anti-government protests that had escalated into violence. This pointed accusation toward international foundations like the Ford Foundation has raised concerns about the involvement and influence of foreign entities in Kenya’s domestic affairs. The government’s stance reflects apprehensions surrounding national sovereignty and external interference, especially in the context of civil unrest.

Ford Foundation’s Response and Historical Contributions

While these accusations have created ripples, the Ford Foundation remains unfazed in its commitment to pursue its mandate. Historically, the foundation's support in Kenya has extended to a diverse range of initiatives, notably those focusing on human rights, democratic governance, and empowerment of marginalized communities. The foundation has been instrumental in backing grassroots organizations dedicated to fostering positive social change and has maintained a reputation for integrity and service.

Non-Partisan Philanthropy

Central to the Ford Foundation's operating ethos is its adherence to a non-partisan approach in all its grantmaking activities. By maintaining this stance, the foundation ensures that its funding and support are directed purely towards non-political, humanitarian objectives. This guiding principle assures that the foundation’s resources are used to promote fairness, equality, and justice without fostering division or political rancor.

The Path Forward

In the face of accusations and political pressures, the Ford Foundation has pledged to continue its vital work undeterred. Highlighting the importance of its initiatives, the foundation stressed that it would persist in providing much-needed support to NGOs working on crucial societal issues such as poverty alleviation, education, and community health programs. The foundation believes that these efforts are more critical than ever in these times of uncertainty and unrest.

Moreover, the Ford Foundation remains open to dialogue with the Kenyan government and other stakeholders to address any concerns and reinforce the transparency of its operations. This open-door policy reflects the foundation's commitment to collaboration and ensuring that its actions are always aligned with promoting peace, development, and stability in the regions it serves.


The current allegations against the Ford Foundation mark a significant moment in the discourse surrounding international philanthropy and its impact on local political landscapes. While the foundation stands firm in its denial of funding violence, the broader implications of such accusations cannot be ignored. This situation underscores the necessity for greater clarity and communication between foreign donors and local governments to uphold mutual trust and cooperation. As the Ford Foundation continues its philanthropic journey, its unwavering commitment to social justice and democratic values will remain a guiding beacon.